So what do I do for work?

I work with individuals and groups to WAKE UP to life in an ACCESSIBLE and GROUNDED way.

I transmit, facilitate and allow energy to MOVE ME in ways that BEST SERVEs the people I support.

I work with tarot and oracle cards, the physical body, the mind, the energetic body, the COSMOS, astrology, ascended masters, angels - you name it, I work with it. I am an ORDINARY human with an EXTRAORDINARY commitment to the MAGIC of life BEYOND the KNOWN.

I ground the DIVINE in an EMBODIED way so that it is accessible, liveable and REAL. I am COMMITTED to AUTHENTIC change and TRANSFORMATION in your life with the ultimate intention always for you to FEEL MORE ALIVE, to feel INCREDIBLE.

I will meet you exactly where you are at and use your REAL and NOW state to inform your WAY HOME.

Some of the key aspects of my ever evolving work include:

1) Intuitive guidance

2) Bodywork and Energywork

3) Empowered Education through grounded and practical programs and courses to support your deepest unfoldment.

4) Group intuitive alchemy (transformative circles)

5) One on One mentoring (for a DEEPER and more supportive environment for change and transformation)

6) astrological insights, guidance and programs

Let me serve you and your highest evolvement and unfoldment.

Tell me more about you?

I live in Melbourne

As a child I was always fascinated by WONDER and MYSTERY and comfortable journeying into the unknown.

One of my favourite things as a child was to go on NIGHT TIME adventures when the stars were alive. I loved being taken on a road trip especially, into the DARK NIGHT to a place I had never been. I also was an avid young MAGICIAN and travelled everywhere with my ‘bag of tricks’. I loved the look of SURPRISE and DELIGHT on people’s faces when the unexpected happened.

As time went on and life had its way with me, my trust in the mystery waned. My vision jaded, my heart no longer paraded but hid away, waiting for a safer day to emerge again. My wounding of burden, overwhelm and hopelessness was triggered by life, manifesting as anxiety, disconnection and psychosis.

In the darkest of my nights, deep in my hero’s journey, I was confronted with my greatest fears. I was faced with a choice to either descend into madness or to trust again. I reached out and connected to the POSSIBILITY THROUGH PAIN, the essence of EVERYTHING is OK and this is the gift I return with now to share with you. The possibility of UNITY WITHIN DISCORD and MAGIC in the MADNESS. The reality of JOY, HOPE and ALIVENESS inherent in the mystery if we are willing to be with it all.

My deep trust in the mystery has matured with a new found RESILIENCE and kind of SUPERPOWER in my ability to find my way back to joy, hope and love, eventually and always. A WILLINGNESS to go to the deepest, darkest places and know that EVERYTHING will be OK. My love for the mystery has taken me to my edges and beyond. My LOVE for the UNKNOWN has fuelled my CURIOSITY and willingness to face my deepest fears and walk hand in hand with my wounds. I know this is why I am here and if you are reading this and feeling the invitation, then I WANT TO WALK WITH YOU. Let me guide you through the times of change in your life and support you as I have learned to guide and support myself. Let me support you to connect to the love, joy and hope in your life, no matter what is showing up.

What wisdom guides your heart?

Life is about learning to TRUST that what is coming is good for your journey. Learning to trust the UNKNOWN including the wisdom of energies which your eyes cannot see and your mind cannot conceive. Within the darkness of night resides the TRUTH of CREATION. There is great LIFE in the POWER of the NIGHT and it is a place best navigated through feeling, sense and intuition which are all transmitted through the body - your sacred vessel of truth, power and new beginnings.

I have traversed many paths in my life and I am so grateful for the key wisdom keepers that have guided my way:

~ TomCia Raven Wolf ( ~ for introducing me to the power and depths of my soul and to the shamanic nature of my existence. Thank you for reminding me that Magick is REAL.

~ Arion Light ( ~ for igniting life in me and showing me that I have the power to create myself and my life exactly as I choose.

~ Dorothea Saaghy ~ for introducing me and training me in intuitive Reiki and Energywork

~ Mooji ( ~ for teaching me about freedom and showing me infinite perspective.

~ University of Melbourne - for deepening my knowledge of and passion for the body as a qualified Physiotherapist.

~ Soul Guidance and Sacred Mentoring (Alana Fairchild) ~ for introducing me to the infinite and unconditional support and healing of enlightened beings, ascended masters, angels and Goddesses. If I am willing to ask for help, I will receive it, beyond my wildest dreams.

~ Tantric Rose Mystery School (Leyolah Antara) ~ for providing me with the deep teachings from the Goddess Isis lineage, journeying deep into my sensuality, to embody my deep feminine soul and my ancestral magic.

~ Blossoming Woman (Avalon Darnesh) ~ for supporting me to BIRTH my sacred life’s work.

~ my son, for awakening my LIFE FORCE through the immense initiation of childbirth

~ my co-parenting wonder of a man, nevin for being willing to dive into the uncertainty and deep evolutionary possibility of CONSCIOUS family

~ my life (family, friends, environment, ancestors) for providing me the perfect MELTING POT for my unique awakening journey


A mystic is someone:- “who has the gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradictions and discontinuities that assault us every day might conceal a hidden unity”

~Rabbi Lawrence Kushner